Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mindset: Fixed Vs. Growth

In the past few days our class has been working on mindsets. we have been watching videos with Carol Dweck, a Physiologist, and another video with Will Smith. We have also read some articles by, Maria Popova, a Bulgarian writer.

There are two different types of mindsets. Fixed and Growth. These two mindsets are what am going to talk about. I think it is important for you to figure out what kind of mindset you have then try to improve after.

A fixed mindset is when someone thinks they are the best at everything, and when they fail they feel bad and don't want to try again. They want to look cool and smart, so they will lie about whatever it is so people will think they are smarter and better then they are. People who have a fixed mindset will never believe they have a fixed mindset because they will not admit they are stupid.

When someone has a fixed mindset they think that when work is too hard they will give up and try something easier. If they are having trouble they will most likely not ask the teacher for help. They will keep saying things like "I can't", "I will never be good at this", and many other things.

A person with a fixed mindset will believe everyone is born with a certain intelligence and that they can't change it.

I think I have a fixed mindset towards art because I can get better, but I don't put the efforts into trying. I just wing it because I will get frustrated and just say 'That will do'.

A growth mindset is when someone knows they can always improve what they are doing because they know they can keep working towards a goal they have set and once they have reached this goal they will set another goal and try to achieve that one. Also when someone with a growth mindset when they fail they will keep on trying until they are able to complete the task no matter what other people think or say. 

Someone who has a growth mindset will never give up, they will keep saying to them selves, "I CAN DO THIS!", "I will finish this no matter what", "I don't care what other people say I CAN DO THIS!", and "I will keep practicing until I am good at 'whatever it is'".

I believe I have a growth mindset towards some hobbies and subjects in school such as, sports, math language, and other things. I believe I have a growth mindset towards sports because I know I can always improve and when I mess up I keep trying to get better at what I messed up. People think I go hard core, but I am trying my best at what ever it is.

Carol Dweck did a study on Grade 5 students to see what affects they would have. The students that got praised for their intelligence were most likely to in the end choose the easier puzzles then the ones who were praised on working hard to solve the puzzles. I think that the reason why the students who got praised for their intelligence went back to the easier because they know they can excel the easy puzzles and don't want to try hard and look bad when they can't finish the puzzle easily. The students who were praised for their hard work when asked what puzzles they would like to continue doing they chose the harder ones because they wanted the challenge.

I believe anyone can have a growth mindset if they try.


  1. Hi Rebecca
    I like this post because I think it is important for people to realise if they have a fixed mind set so they can improve it. I think I have a growth mind set because I am always saying to myself never give up. If you would like to visit my blog it is

    1. Thank you for Commenting and I will check out your blog. I have looked at some of your classmates blogs already and they are verry amazing!
